
Hello, I am Aniruddh. Aniruddh Mukherjee. I am fluent in React and I am currrently learning React Native.


I am a high school student from Kolkata, currently in 12th. Computers have fascinated me ever since I got my first computer back in 2009. I started coding by learning C++, SQL etc. as part of the school curriculum, and then, for the past one year, JavaScript and all related tech have hooked me like nothing else! I have also done some freelancing as a Graphic Designer. I have experience withh Figma too. I am a proud member of #AvalonArmy!

why are you taking this challenge?

I want to learn. I want to learn more, and if I get paid a bit at the same time, it would be great. Job or internship - any one of them would work.

something interesting about you?

My mind is always full of weird startup ideas. I listen to country music from the 60s. I love playing horror games at 3 AM.

help I need?

It would be really great if anyone could tell me how to handle serverless payments using Firebase.

how to contact me?


Have done one project so far. Will keep updating this space!

My projects:

GameStory: All you need to know about a game!

description Gamers often struggle to grasp the complex stories behind the story-based games available on different platforms. This web app intends to find a solution for that. All the data are user generated, available for everyone.

stack Made in React with hooks and context. This is written in javascript. Backend is powered by Firebase Realtime Database and Authentication.

hosted link

github link

another project




same as projects, I will keep updating my blogs as and when done.

Making Responsive React Web Apps without any libraries

description Struggling to make my web app responsive to mobile devices for days, I wrote this blog about how I implemented responsiveness to the web app and how a beginner can do it too.
