Aniket Chaudhari

Hi! I am a Aniket Chaudhari, an Information Technology Engineering student, let me walk you through my Intro, Projects and Blogs.


I am a Full-Stack Web Developer and a Freelancer. I currently do my projects in MERN stack, PHP and Python.

why are you taking this challenge?

I need an internship in July 2020. I want to learn about developing production grade softwares.

something interesting about you?

I draw great pictures ;)

how to contact me?

I’ve done projects in MERN, PHP and Python

My projects:

CareerOceans: A Job Data Aggregator site

description CareerOceans is a Meta Search Engine, It scrapes out Job listings from other Job sites like, .etc stack Frontend - Bootstrap and JQuery. Website backend was developed in PHP and MySQL for database. Web Scrapers were developed in Python and Flask was used for REST API. Both site and API were hosted on AWS servers.

hosted link Unfortunately, this site was taken down (exceeded AWS 1 year free trial)

github link (frontend)

github link (backend)

EbookValley: A Web App to download any ebook on the Internet

description EbookValley is a Meta Search Engine for Ebooks, It scrapes out PDF links from PDF download sites like etc. stack Frontend is written in React.js. Web Scrapers are developed in Python and Flask was used for REST API.

github link (frontend)

github link (backend)

Pegasus OS: A Web-OS simulation

description Pegasus OS is a Web OS written in JavaScript. It was a fun project I’d developed to learn web development. stack The entire project is frontend only developed in Vanilla JavaScript, it does not have any backend.

github link (frontend)

youtube link (backend)


I’ve not written any blogs but I’ll be writing here soon -