Anas Qureshi

Hi! My name is Anas and welcome. Let’s dive down into my profile.


I am not very studios but I love to learn new things. My curious personality led me to learn design and truth about the working of the universe. Now I would love to convert my design into a working model.

Why are you taking this challenge?

I am taking this challenege as I don’t want to simply waste my time. Since I will be working on projects and will be brainstorming ideas, I will learn something good out of it.

Something interesting about you?

I like to study about the universe we live in and how it works and science applied in our daily life.

Help I need?

Although I’m a CS student, I can do little to no programming at all. I practised HTML and CSS quite a bit and I’m a complete noob in javascript.

How to contact me?

