Ajay Prakash Nair

Hi! I am Ajay Prakash Nair let me walk you through my intro, projects and blogs.


I am a third year under-grad, pursuing B.Tech in Computer Science and Engineering from Ahalia School Of Engineering & Technology,Palakkad.I also have keen interest in the domain of Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence. Have experience in Web Development, Android Development, UI-UX Design and Graphic Designing.

why are you taking this challenge?

I’ll be completing my engineering degree by May 2021. Looking for an internship. I need a job by June 2021. I want to learn new technologies, make a good network and grow in this field.

something interesting about you?

I am a University Badminton Player, a footballer, loves Photography and Graphic Designing.

help I need?

In learning new technologies.

how to contact me?


not a lot of projects are done. I will keep updating it with real links when done.


same as projects, I will keep updating my blogs as and when done.