Adithya Kamath

Hi! I am Adithya let me walk you through my intro, projects and blogs.


Hi! Adithya here , I am an Employee with 1 year of experience and an Introvert.

why are you taking this challenge?

Iam taking this challege cause I want to gain experience in Front end technology . I want to be an Full stack dev in near future. Also get into an Product based company or startUp where I can learn so much , have a great carrier and Code .

something interesting about you?

Iam a very huge Football Fan and Pop ,Rap ,EDM Music Lover.

help I need?

I may need help in React , Node or Express .

how to contact me?


Can’t Wait to fill this area!!! Stay tuned

My projects:


description : It is a kind of netflix clone,where user can search for movies ,get list of trending-movies and also add movies as there favorities.

stack : It is made with React with materializeCSS .It uses TMDB API for movies data.

hosted link :

github link :


description : Do you want to have a simple conversation.This app is used to chat with users,to start chatting please login by using an display name and chat room you want to enter.

stack : It is made with React with materializeCSS .It uses Socket.IO for socket connection and express as backend.

hosted link :

github link :

Expense Traccker

description : This app is used to manage personal finance .App gives way of spending in chart for montly, category-wise. additionalNote: you can use and 1234 for login

stack : It is made with React with React-Router.It uses Express as backend with Rest API,and Postgress as database.

hosted link :

github link :


same as projects, I will keep updating my blogs as and when done.