Vishavjeet student

Hi! My name is Vishavjeet Singh


I am 4th year engineering student doing job in Nagarro Software Company

why are you taking this challenge?

I want a job in product based company.

something interesting about you?

Can run an application even if I don’t know much about the technology with internet help.

how to contact me?


My projects:


description HR manager can login to application and manage employees. However the details of the Employees are maintained on a separate server i.e in this project rest api is exposed and consumed

stack Made in Java, RESTful webservices, SPRING MVC, JSP, Jersey, Maven, Hibernate

github link


description A simple model which can tell the steering angle for the car to ride on track

stack Made in Python used Keras, opencv, pandas, numpy and other libraries

github link

WhatsApp ChatBot

description sandbox details - join drop-series number = +1 415 523 8886 How to use: This chatbot can give you movies info, news, wikipedia, and general query for movie name use movie_name.txt file avengers movie for any wiki information you can write- keyword(from info.txt) than anything modi wiki info on tajmahal summary india for news search anything like: sports news in hindi tech news in marathi for other query use keyword wolfram than your query like: wolfram calories in one egg wolfram london weather today

stack Made in Python used twilio, google dialog flow, mongoDB, google cloud, flask

github link

Flight Search

description Ever wondered how we can get search result of flights from source to destination. Just made a small flight search project

stack Made in Java, used MySql as dataBase, Spring MVC, JPA, Hibernate, Maven, servlets

github link

Website Crawler

description It travserse all the links in a site and stores in a file

stack Made in Python used Multithreading and libraries like urllib

github link


I didn’t know the importance of blog till now, will post blogs in future

Microsoft Interview Experience

description My Interview Experience
