
Hi! My name is Vishal Kumar. let me walk you through my intro, projects and blogs.


I am an undergraduate student persuing IT. I am interesting in learning new technologies and want to revolutionize the world by using that. I believe there is nothing that i can’t do!

why are you taking this challenge?

I need an internship in summer 2020. What else can be interesting by getting that in such a way of learning new technologies, put that skills into action and opening a door to many opportunnities!

something interesting about you?

I am taekwondo, football & cricket player, which shows i have an ‘active’ phisyque and mindset. Myths |Science |Technology |Space |Deep thinking, are my favourite topics of interests.

help I need?

It would be great if you help me which technologies should i learn, And what are the great ideas to start. And someone help me when i stuck.

how to contact me?


not a lot of projects are done. I will keep updating it with real links when done.

My projects:

binder: tinder for books

description :

stack :

hosted link :

github link :

another project




same as projects, I will keep updating my blogs as and when done.

why I liked GraphQL over REST?

