Sudhanshu Mishra

Hi! I am a Computer Science enthusiast who likes to work on different challenges.


Professionally, I have worked with multiple Startups in different roles and with multiple tech stacks from past 2 years. Academically, I am 4th year “Btech(CSE) + MBA (Marketing and Business Analytics) Integrated” Student.

Why are you taking this challenge?

I need an internship. I want to learn. I want to work with experienced professionals.

Something interesting about you?

I am a foodie yet love to be fit. I indulge in multiple sporting activities also.

Help I need?

I need help in writing blogs.

How to contact me?



description Application for Performing “Style Transfer on Images” which is developed utilizing the comparative study of different algorithms and and the application is available and compatible with all the platforms, since it is a Web App.

stack Made in Python used Flask framework, Opencv & DNN, Html, Css, Js, Bootstrap

github link


I will keep updating my blogs as and when done.