
My name is Shudhanshu Bisht , pursuing my BCA from O.I.M.T Rishikedh. I want to work in python/Django to build some industry oriented projects. I have also done some projects in Python like Chat bot and more link


I am like reading books and articles. I like reading on topics like self-development, science fiction,AI auto biography and mathematics.

why are you taking this challenge?

My dream is to Became a billionaire. I need an JOB in June 2020. I want to learn new technologies while working with some well versed people who would help me to grow further.

something interesting about you?

I always spent most of my time in computer doing code in python. I’m into meditation, and I like to walk near ganga and waterfall and travell, I like cycling around and I also like to have maintain a good physique.

help I need?

It would be good if someone helps me with the deployment and to implement an authentication in my app .

how to contact me?


not a lot of projects some simple apllication with Python and website.

My projects:

Chat Bot, Human Brain, Mini Bank, Fake Employee

With Python hosted link github[]

Blog App in Python/Django

description It is blog app with facebook comment integration in it . any authenticated user can create/delete posts and even save it to draft as well .

stack Python | Django | Bootstrap | HTMl | CSS


I will add more once I’m done with my blog ”

why I like Python over other languages

description I may not get bored working with this language and it would always help me to tackle my problems easily. I love writing code in python as it narrows down the lots of hectic stuff for me ,simple code format helps me to boost my productivity . And also the fact that it has very vast field of application. It provide larger built-in library which make it easy.