Frontend Developer

Hi! I am professional Frontend Developer with about an year of experience in reactjs and node.


I am confident with JavaScript , experienced with ReactJS,ReactNative,NodeJS Always ready to develop something great. :)

why are you taking this challenge?

I found this challenge intresting. Plus I want to learn from some the best in the Industry.

something interesting about you?

I am a gamer, love this game called Rainbow Six Seige

help I need?

Can’t really tell without knowing the task , but most probably I won’t be needing any help.

how to contact me?


I worked on many projects some of them are listed below:

My projects:

Blogit: A Bloging Platform

description Blogit is a blogging platform containing keyword specific blogs with seamless security features and proper control over content and its modification.

stack built in html,css,jquery,nodejs and mongodb

hosted link

github link

Searchyie: A Seraching Platform

description Searchie is a searching platform for keyword searches in a paragraph.

stack built in reactjs using hooks and localstorage.

hosted link

github link

2048: A Math Game

description 2048 is a old school game in which a player has to create a 2048 block and not just make the whole grid layout fill with number blocks.

stack built in html,css,javascript.

hosted link

github link