Mandalreddy Manasa

Hi! I am Manasa Mandalreddy ,fourth year undergrad student in Electronics and communication engineering.Get to know intro about me in following lines.


I have done projects related to embedded projects more hardware focused as my branch is ECE with less focus on software or programming.Worked and learned deep learning,CNN,computer vision as part of driverless car project.This is my experience with CS role up till now.

I am tech enthusiast loves to solve problems .Learning the trends of jobs and market from Tanay Sir and going to develop strong portfolio with building many useful websites. n

why are you taking this challenge?

I want to learn web development for developing cool websites and do internship in full stack web development.Challenges bring the best of you and have seen many participants working on the same which strives you to do even better so signing up for this challenge.

something interesting about you?

I write poems when inspired.I can write with my both hands.

help I need?

It would be good if someone tells me which course is good for learning and critique the work during the process and motivate me to do in another way possible while doing and learning.

how to contact me?


Done embedded projects up till now and will be updating them when created links and websites.

not great projects done in CS role and will be updating with links during this challenge process.

My projects: Will be updated soon when done.

github link


same as projects, I will keep updating my blogs as and when done.