Lakshay Batra

Hi! Looking for a MERN web developer? I am a pre final year CSE student and a MERN web developer, let me walk you through my intro, projects and blogs.


I am a person who looks around every perspective of a work and its result before doing it. I am passionate about my work and highly organized. I always keep the end goal in my mind and work always in favour of it. I search for new and effective ways which can lead me to my goal. I am career oriented and hardworking guy.

why are you taking this challenge?

I need a Job as soon as I complete my degree next year in June 2021 or an internship before that. I want to learn and grow fast which this challenge can help me with.

something interesting about you?

I am good at cooking.

help I need?

It would be good if someone tells me what all other things i should learn after completing MERN development.

how to contact me?


My projects:

Utility and Fun app

description This web app has some applications to solve your daily problems like calculating personal expense, calculating BMI and sometimes confused about paying a bill when in group with friends at restaurant. Or if you feel bored sometime and want to try some fun applications then this web app is for you.

stack Styling is done using CSS and Bootstrap and all the functionalities are performed using Vanilla js and jQuery.

hosted link

github link

Template Website(Beautiful and Responsive)

description It is a simple template website, that could be used by any startup with minor changes.

stack HTML | CSS | Bootstrap

hosted link

github link

Daily Journal

description It is an app where one can write his daily Journal or can use it for writing personal blogs. You can add a daily journal. You can also delete previously created journals

stack HTML | CSS | EJS | Node.js | Express | mongoDB | passport.js

hosted link

github link

Bloggy - A Social Media for Blogs

description It is an app where you can write your blogs and share it with others on bloggy 1.You can add a blog. 2.You can also delete your blog 3.You can Review all the blogs you posted in MY BLOGS section 4.You can see other’s blogs who have posted on bloggy

stack HTML | CSS | Bootstrap | EJS | Node.js | Express | mongoDB | passport.js

hosted link

github link

Daily Planner - Similar to To-Do List with some more functionalities

description It is an app where you can set tasks. 1.You can have multiple lists. 2.You can Add a task to any of the list. 3.You can Delete the task once you have completed it. 4.You can check WEATHER CONDITIONS before setting some outdoor task.

stack HTML | CSS | Bootstrap | EJS | Node.js | Express | mongoDB | passport.js

hosted link

github link

Keeper - Application in React

description It is a simple react app like google keep.

stack React | Material UI

hosted link

github link


same as projects, I will keep updating my blogs as and when done.

HTML file paths.

description Few days back one guy in the telegram group(team tanay) was facing difficulty in referring to the image in a folder one level up from the current folder containing style.css where he was trying to set that image as background of website as he was not giving right file path. Though it is a simple topic but yet many of the new developers face issue with this which insisted me to write this blog.


Fork a repo - GitHub.

description Forking is the main concept which everyone should know who is diving into open source. So I thought of writing a blog over it, and explain the process with examples.


Color theory & Typography.

description For a UI UX designer it is important to understand color theory and typography. It is Color theory & Typography which can let you present your thoughts in an exact manner thus I thought of writing a blog over it and clearing all the concepts behind colors & typography.
