Muthu Kumaran

Hi! I am Kumaran, I’m doing my final year in computer science and engineering. Now lets see if I can impress you with my profile


I’m a free-spirited problem solver pursuing a career in Computer Science. I’ve got a deep fascination with all things related to tech, I’m passionate about web development. I want to build a career that I’m proud of in the long run.

why are you taking this challenge?

I love a good challenge and these challenge seems like an awesome place to show off my skills and get some exposure.

something interesting about you?

I used to be a CSGO addict, I got into web developement to get out of that addiction

help I need?

Designing a good UX is something that I don’t have much experience in

how to contact me?


My projects:

Started working on my projects, and I will keep updating them as and when they are done


Not a big blogger but I will keep updating my blogs as and when done.