Kushal Kumar

Hi! I am Kushal Kumar let me walk you through my intro, projects and blogs.


I am a shy and hard-working person. I am currently pursuing web development. I also try my hands in competitive coding in between sometimes. Currently studying in 1st year and pursuing dual degree (B.Tech+M.Tech) in Mathematics and COmputing.

why are you taking this challenge?

I am looking for an internship. I want to learn more about technology and about different things.

something interesting about you?

I am quite good at CS GO and Clash Royale.

help I need?

It would be good if someone can help me in backend development and review the projects i did in github.

how to contact me?

I haven’t done many projects till now. There is no big project. The link to some of them are:

My projects:

To Do List

description Save your tasks locally and set priority for them. Edit or remove the projects. No need to worry for storage. Gets deleted automatically on deletion of all projects.

stack Made using Vanilla Js

hosted link

github link

Tic Tac Toe

description Play Tic Tac Toe in 3 differnt modes.

stack Made Using Vanilla JS

hosted link

github link


I dont have any blogs yet. Will update it when done.