
Hello! I am Jaynil Gaglani. I am very excited to walk you through my journey which is comprised of introduction, projects and blogs and many exciting things.


I am excellent at academics and hard-working student. Dedication is my strength and I feel myself motivated in the company of those people who never give up and make a continuous effort to achieve their goals.

why are you taking this challenge?

I need a job where I love to go by the end of 2020. I want to constantly develop myself by learning, improving and sharing of knowledge.

something interesting about you?

I love football and Edm music than anything else. Also, I have a passion for my work.

help I need?

I need a mentor who could guide me towards the direction which is best for me.

how to contact me?


I have done some projects in the past but I haven’t really hosted them all. I will update with the hosting as soon as possible. I will also update with current projects done during the challenge.

Google Play Store : An App Launch Study

description This project analyzes the insights provided by the client using data visualization using Python and Tkinter for the graphical user Interface. In all it includes 20 different features analyzed from the study.

stack Python and Tkinter, Canvas.

hosted link hosting in progress

github link


I have written one blog on medium in the past. I will keep updating my blogs as and when done.