Saumaya Mani Tripathi

Hi! I am Saumaya Mani Tripathi let me walk you through my intro and projects.


Hi! I am pursuing bachelor’s degree in computer science and engineering at United Institute of Technology, Prayagraj

why are you taking this challenge?

I am interested in web development. I want to level up my skills by working with industry. I am looking for good opportunities.

something interesting about you?

I like to play personal computer games in my free time.

help I need?

I want support for my career from which i can follow a good path for my future.

how to contact me?


My projects:


Description: A simple dice game made with javascript. stack : Html ,css , javascript github-link (

React NewsAppUi

Description : A react app to read news or blog from static api.

github-link (


Currently, I don’t have any blogs but i will start writing it soon.