Bibin Antony

Hi! myslef bibin antony and i am a gradiot. But i still have time undo my mistake thats why i am here. I want to start from square one.


We humans are socialbeings and purpose driven thats how its been for a very long time. Which being said, I am better when i am with a team of like minded ones and purpose to pursue my learning. Mind is a void i always belive in filling it with things that really matter me in the present and the future, that’s the main reason i just can’t force myslef into conventional learning.(engineering).

why are you taking this challenge?

I need an internship in December 2020.

something interesting about you?

Once i learned basics for arduino and phyton basics to code around for a science fair of my cousin to create a simple virtually yet complex for a begineer. The project was a submarine simulation.

help I need?


how to contact me?

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There lots of them saved on my notepad. Nothing i could complete. it does sound bad!


I am working on it. Ill update once its done.