
Hi! I am Keshav and am aiming to become a Full Stack Web Developer.

I like reading books and writing articles.


I am a very confident person and I have a never say die attitude.

The best quality about me is I am an extremely friendly person and I'm very good in communication.

why are you taking this challenge?

  1. I wanted to polish my skills during this lockdown duration.
  2. I want to do a good project that adds value to my resume.
  3. I want a well paying job in a product based company.

something interesting about you?

  • I can whistle many songs from many languages.
  • I can speak 5 languages excluding my mother tongue and one of them is German.

help I need?

I want to learn to make good web applications for organisations

I am eager to learn to develop mobile apps as well.

how to contact me?


Have done only a basic project using Django.

I will keep updating it with real links when done.


Still new to all this. I will keep updating my blogs as and when done.

why I like Web Designing and Developing ??

Gives me a chance to really use my head and gets the best out of me.

Its the perfect field for me to showcase my creativity.