
Hello! I am Aryansh Mahato. A self taught full Stack(MERN) Developer.


I a full stack Web Developer. I use MERN Stack and some magic to make awesome web apps.

why are you taking this challenge?

I want polish my skills by this challenge. I feel motivated when I work with community. And Looking forward to be a good Developer.

something interesting about you?

I can convert Designs in Pixel Perfect Web Apps! I can also turn anyone’s business Idea into amazing Web Apps.

help I need?

I am looking for a good job. And I think this challenge can help me to find a good Job

how to contact me?


There are few projects that I worked on when I was learning basics of React and CSS. These will be updated when I will make new Projects

My projects:

uHost : Landing page for a Hosting Service Company

description I made this project when I was learning CSS. It is supposed to be basic landing page for a company that Provides Hosting Services

stack Made with HTML-CSS and Vanilla JS.

hosted link

github link

TicTacToe : A simple game

description It is a simple Mobile game made when I was learning Android Development.

stack Android-Java.

hosted Link Not Hosted

github link

Github Automation : A command Line tool

description A command Line tool which creates a folder in local machine and connects with a Github repo created using PyGithub. I made this when I was learning basics of Python.

stack Python | Selenium | PyGithub.

hosted Link Not Hosted

github link

Other Projects

description There are many other not so perfect and minor projects I made when I was learning C++|Java|JavaScript|React.

stack Mostly Web Apps but few CLI apps in C++.

github link


I haven’t crated any Blogs yet.