Arsharaj Chauhan

Hi! I am Arsharaj Chauhan let me walk you through my intro, projects and blogs.


I am a student from Computer Science branch from Krishna Engineering College, Ghaziabad. Currently, I am in second year and I love coding stuffs.

why are you taking this challenge?

I want to enhance my coding skills and build projects that are relevant for others. These projects would also be very beneficial in my carrer also. Plus I need internship to get into the professional world.

something interesting about you?

Nothing much !! I may look like a boring person to you. Sorry for that.

help I need?

I need help in the deployment of the projects and maintaining them in a scalable way.

how to contact me?


There are not much but still there are two that I made last year for Hackathons and Competitions.

My projects:

Dectro : A proxy and vpn detector

description This is my Sharda Hacakathon projectm and I designed the app for detecting the proxies and vpn through the hosted apis.

stack Made using Flutter. I used several apis for scanning the ip’s.

hosted link Not Hosted

github link

Dholpur : My Home City

description I designed this website in order to make something for my city. So I recreated the wikipedia page in my own way.

stack Only HTML and CSS.

hosted Link

github link

Musicee : A Music Player

description This is just the front-end of the music player that I designed after getting inspired from spotify.

stack Only Flutter.

hosted Link Not Hosted

github link

Other Projects

description There are several other minor projects that I created in order to increase my developement skills.

stack Mostly in Flutter

github link



This is the blog that I created recently a week or so but there is still not any content on it. I will keep updating my blogs as and when done.