Arjoban Singh
Hi! I am Arjoban Singh, let me walk you through my intro, projects and blogs.
I am 21 years old self taught programmer, passionate about building mobile apps.
why are you taking this challenge?
I need a job in August 2020. And ofcourse I want to learn.
something interesting about you?
I am good at sports mainly Basketball and Cricket.
help I need?
It would be good if someone tells me how to make pixel perfect UI’s for mobile.
how to contact me?
not a lot of projects are done. I will keep updating it with real links when done.
My projects:
Info-Hub: a social networking website for information mongers.
Social Networking kind of Web-App created using Django, which allows users to register(with email confirmation) and sign in, check blog posts by other users, feature to follow and unfollow others, allow users to post their blog-posts, and some basic things like posting and changing profile picture as well as bio. And last but not least, a page to see only posts, posted by the Authors, the user follows. Created this app, When I was not good at Frontend and CSS, so its aesthetics are minimilstic but works fully fine
stack Made in Django and frontend is done with HTML, CSS, Vanilla JavaScript.
hosted link
github link
Minimisltic Fully Responsive Portfolio created in couple of hours using React.
stack Made in reactJs.
_hosted link
github link
I will keep sharing my blogs after I finish writing them.