Abhijeet Nandvikar

Hi, I am Abhijeet Nandvikar. I live in Mumbai. I am third year engineering student studying computer engineering at Atharva College.


I am intrested in web development and I make websites for local business.

why are you taking this challenge?

I am taking this challenege to expand my knowledge by working on projects learning new stuffs from mentors and gain new skills.

something interesting about you?

I love doing yoga.

help I need?

I want to learn about backend stuff.

how to contact me?


I have made a website for a local business(Manjul Joshi Photography). Also I have made some basic projects.

My projects:

Xpense App (PWA)

description This is progressive web app created for writting your daily expenses.

stack Made using HTML/CSS/JS for frontend and Firebase for backend.

hosted link

github link


I will start sharing my blogs with live links after I finish writing them.