Akash Verma

Hi! I am Akash Verma studying at St. Mary’s Group of Institutions Hyderabad (JNTUH) . Let me walk you through my journey so far.


I am a Fourth year Computer Science Student and Tech enthusiast skilled in Python, Django , Javascript . MY Journey in this #TTJC Challenge has been awesome , It’s like a guy who could not deploy a single web app on heroku to filling all the clusters available in mmy free heroku account . I Love when a web app made by me get’s live . It motivates me to do more …

why are you taking this challenge?

I need a Job/internship in 2020 I want to work with mentors and community to get knowledge about new technologies and how market works.

something interesting about you?

I’m an avid book reader and highly interseted in reading biographies as i get to learn from the failures of others.

help I need?

I have completed the challenge for now and i have realized that there is lot more things i have to learn . So It would be great If someone tells me how to implement backend in nodejs .

how to contact me?


Blog Site

description This is a MultiUser Blog Site that let’s user put their views on a particular topic as articles or posts and other poeple can view their posts and comment on it . The article content has markdown support too.

stack django, django-markdown, Bootstrap4, django-storages-s3,django-taggit

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github link

Quora clone

description This is a quora clone made in django

stack Django, python, Bootstrap4

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github link

Freshily E-commerce

description A E-commerce website listing the fruits and vegetables for sale with cart checkout functionality and payment integration using Braintree.

stack Django, django-sessions, Braintree

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github link

Personal Blog Site

description This is Blog site I made where I share articles related to technology and other stuff. This site has full-text search functionality as well as tagging functionality , also the content supports markdown.

stack django, django-taggit, django-markdown

hosted link

github link


description This is a muti user todo app that i made using django , so that users not can list their daily todo’s but can also keep track of it and delete it when task is done .

stack Django

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github link


Custom User Authentication Using Django

.description Blog includes introduction to django in a step by step process followed by a small project making a login system . hosted link

Rest Api’s : An Introduction

.description Blog include basic concept of Rest Api’s with examples

hosted link

Guide to Git an Github

.description Blog include basic concept of github workflow and how to get started with git .

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