¡Hola! I’m Abhishek Keshri aka 2KAbhishek
on the web, here’s my intro.
I am a final year B.Tech CSE student, who’s mostly self taught. I like trying a lot of different tech and have a soft spot for OSS and CLIs.
why are you taking this challenge?
I want a job at a product based company by August 2020. I want to make things and also connect to like minded people.
something interesting about you?
I write code and shayari both on the command line. My color palette is made of Black, White and Blue.
help I need?
I could use some help with backend stuff and other things I don’t know yet.
how to contact me?
No new projects done as part of the job challenge. Check my GitHub for previous projects.
No new blogs written as part of the job challenge. Check my Blog for previous blogs.