frequently asked questions

who can participate in this challenge?

Yes! This participation is open for everyone. It is also free. College freshers who are looking for a job, or working professionals with…

finalist data updation

This feels like just happened yesterday or few days before but we have crossed almost three months and the challenge ends on 30th June, 202…

should all projects be fullstack?

No! Anyone can participate and build projects with whatever tech stack they feel comfortable with. Participation is open to all stacks and…

Terms and Conditions

Right to accept and reject the registration applications (PR) lies solely with the organizer (Tanay Pratap). Participants of the challenge…

Privacy Policy

By registering in the #TeamTanayJobChallenge by sending a PR, you automatically accept our Privacy Policy. Privacy Policy The information…

is registration required?

Yes, you need to register to participate. You just need to follow the steps below. We’ll help you complete the challenge. What are the…

is there a deadline to complete all these tasks?

Yes! The deadline is 30th June to complete the challenge. The winners and top participants for this challenge will be chosen after the…

what do I do if I get an error in a public library which I am using?

If you have errors go to stackoverflow. Join slack channels of that particular tech and ask for help. Open issues on their forums. Open…

how will I know that my registration is successful?

You used Github to raise a request. Beautiful part about Github is it sends notifications and emails when your PR is merged. Keep an eye on…

how will I know if there are problems in my registration PR?

We’ll comment on your pull request. You will receive a notification and email (check that your email is turned ON from Github) that there…

how often should I push my changes to my github repo?

Push daily changes. Push more. No need to keep it clean. We’ll see your streak. We want to witness your journey, the problems you faced, and…

can I create all my projects using the same domain/stack?

Think about it. What’s the aim of this challenge? To impress someone enough that they hire you right? How will you impress someone by…

how can I showcase a well-rounded profile of projects on my portfolio?

I’ll share a list of free and paid courses which you can take to learn React and React Native for this challenge. I would suggest out of…

are group projects allowed?

No! But if you and your friend are working on different stacks, here’s how you can break it. Make backend as a service. Document it. Write…

i am a complete beginner, and the deadline is too short for me. How’s this going to be beneficial?

First of all, it’s a challenge, not a competition. There are winners in this challenge, but no losers. As a beginner, it’ll be more…

what type of projects are acceptable for this challenge?

Build an industry level project. Intermediate to advance level. You don’t want to build a calculator or a tic-tac-toe game. Our hiring…

what if I don’t win this challenge? Am I gonna go back to square one?

Define loser for this challenge! Someone who quits and can’t complete the 5p3b2r tasks. If you say, “Yes, I am in” and you quit, no matter…

is the challenge live now?

Yes! This challenge is officially live now. The sooner you start, the better your chances are to win and get an interview. If you are facing…

how much would it cost to participate in the challenge?

Short answer to that question is, participation won’t cost you anything. You don’t need to spend a single dime in order to participate. All…

what's the next step after registrations?

Registration is just the first step. Once done, go back to coding. Start creating your 5 projects. Complete your 3 blogs. And get your…

is the job challenge also for data science jobs?

It’s not stack specific. You submit your projects, if it wins, it wins. If you can create an API or an app, basically any interface to your…

how often should I update my participant entry? And how to do that?

If your PR is merged, then you have to send a new one. Otherwise push updates to your branch and it will reflect. And whenever you want to…

how to make a pr using git bash or terminal?

First go and fork Make changes This pushes it to your fork. Now go to your github and create a PR. It will create against the main repo…

how to make sure that you get a mentor for a review?

There’s no 1:1 mentorship. You can use someone from the pool of mentors on need basis. What are the needs? I completed one part of my…

can we participate if we are not looking for a job or internship?

No problem. Participate to use the momentum to get your profile and projects ready.

are we going to get a job offer only if our projects are too amazing?

You will not get a job offer you will get an interview. Depends on how many projects are submitted and how many offers are there. As of now…

can I submit old projects?

Short answer: No! Long answer: No, it won’t be considered for the top 5 prizes. Winners for this challenge have to make 5 new projects,…

how do I get reviews/recommendations?

LinkedIn is a good place to start. It’ll help you in building a network. But even if they write and send it to you on Github, or anywhere…

how do I start blogging?

It’s a good idea to get your own blog on your own domain. And then cross post on all other platforms. But it’s too much of a hassle if you…

what should I blog about?

In the course of this challenge you will learn a lot more things than you already know. You will do new courses, you will learn new tech…

how to get more visibility in community?

Note: This is advisable. Please do this so that you open more doors for you. Few ways to do it. If you’re a beginner, start with posting…

how to get started as a beginner?

If you’re an absolute beginner, you have a long way to go. Start with my youtube channel and make first 3 apps: Portfolio teaches you basic…

is this limited to React/JS only projects?

Challenge is open but not limited to any stack. However, my suggestion would be to go with React and React Native. Getting a job is much…

what if my question is not answered here?

Please follow the steps if your question is not answered here: Check really well. If your question is a duplicate and is already answered it…

what if I couldn't find anyone around for review/recommendation? Am I going to be eligible?

You will have enough people. Don’t worry. You have to try and keep your eyes open. Learn to ask. Fail. And repeat. Worst case, you’ll have…