what if I don’t win this challenge? Am I gonna go back to square one?

Define loser for this challenge!

Someone who quits and can’t complete the 5p3b2r tasks. If you say, “Yes, I am in” and you quit, no matter what excuse you give yourself, you’ll lose. Rest everyone wins!

Let’s think about the worst case scenario. What will you lose if you don’t win this challenge?

Let’s see, you’ll most likely end up with:

  1. A good portfolio, if not great.
  2. A few projects, if not 5.
  3. At Least 1 blog, if not 3.
  4. And you will use the momentum of this challenge to code, get help and get mentorship.

Will that situation be better than your current situation? Tell me! Is there something to lose by participating in this challenge?