what type of projects are acceptable for this challenge?
Build an industry level project. Intermediate to advance level. You don’t want to build a calculator or a tic-tac-toe game. Our hiring partners expect some good projects so that it’s easier for them to judge our participants’ skillset better.
Can you build something like
- facebook, i.e. a social media tool
- slack, i.e. a realtime communication tool
- flipkart, i.e. an e-commerce tool
- evernote, i.e. a powerful note taking tool
- blogger? i.e. a content management system
Take anything big and build your version. Build a Tinder for books, and name it Binder :P. Build Facebook for non profits and volunteers. Build instagram for quotes only. Or build any intermediate or advance level project that your course teaches you.
You can go to producthunt and look for more inspiration/ideas. Checkout other answers about project ideas. We have also published a blog on 50 project ideas. Check that out.